Research project title

Synthetic methods for complex molecule construction

Research description

Our lab is focused on developing new synthetic sequences that can be used to construct pharmacologically relevant organic molecules.  We are particularly interested in concise preparation of heterocyclic ring systems structurally related to those found in various biologically active alkaloid natural products. 

Undergraduate minimum qualifications

Undergraduate major in chemistry or chemistry-related discipline. Completion of introductory organic chemistry lecture and laboratory courses would be beneficial.

Undergraduate role

Undergraduate researchers will be involved in the synthesis and characterization of heterocyclic precursors. Undergraduate assistants will also evaluate the effectiveness of new cyclization reactions leading to polycyclic ring systems. Research participants will gain hands-on experience in laboratory techniques used in synthetic organic chemistry, including column chromatography, recrystallization, distillation, gas chromatography, HPLC, mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy.