Loyce Arthur
Participation year

Community Engagement is defined differently depending on the goals of any given organization, and this is pivotal to how they create, plan, and conduct programming aimed to engage the community. Therefore, this project explores the understandings of Community Engagement through the Arts in various entities in Iowa City. The project identifies different narratives of Community Engagement and Outreach. Iowa City is the main focus of the project due to its recent concentration on art and music in recent years. The project is conducted qualitatively by interviewing leaders in some of the organizations and individuals in Iowa City who conduct Community Engagement programming through the arts. The project aims to identify the themes and trends prominent across these organizations with a focus on their preparation, planning, procedures, implementation, and maintenance of their programs. The project also aims to highlight positive demonstrations of Community Engagement to encourage and inform Iowa city about the opportunities which engage the community through the arts.

Ifeoluwa Ogunyinka
Penn State University