Dr. Witold Krajewski
Participation year
Project title

Assessment of Rainfall Measurement Error from Disdrometers and Tipping Buckets


Rainfall is measured commonly by disdrometers and tipping buckets rain gauges, which measure drops as they fall to the ground. Before reaching these instruments, some raindrops are intercepted by other objects and raindrops along the way, some face wind resistance, and some splash from other surfaces into the instruments. Because disdrometers and tipping buckets do not account for splash from other surfaces, the corresponding measurements can be flowed, ultimately affecting data collections, weather forecasting, weather modeling and agricultural planning and monitoring. The goal of the summer research at the Sierra Court facility was to film and observe: 1) the effect of wind on raindrops as they near a disdrometer and tipping bucket; 2) how the splash can be measure by the instruments and create an inaccuracy; 4) and the interception of raindrops on surfaces including plants, buildings, and other drops prior to reaching instruments.

Joshua  Walker
Penn State University