Ryan LaLumiere, Psychology
Participation year
Project title

Overexpression of acid sensing ion channel 1a in the nucleus accumbens potentiates reinstatement of cocaine-, but not food-, seeking behaviors


Acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is thought to modulate cocaine addiction-related behavior. This study overexpressed ASIC1a in the NAc to determine its effects on reinstatement of cocaine- and food-seeking behaviors. ASIC1a overexpression potentiated incubation of craving, cued, cocaine prime and cued+ cocaine prime reinstatement but had no effect on food-seeking behavior. This suggests that ASIC1a specifically modulates cocaine seeking behaviors while having no effect on natural rewards. Discrepancy between ASIC1a role in self-administration and reinstatement suggest more research is needed to understand the role of ASIC1a in drug-addiction.

Stephanie Munoz
Vassar College